Salt consumption in China is among the highest in the world, at about 11 g/day, and cardiovascular disease accounts for 40% of mortality. A recent study (click here) estimated the potential impact of reducing salt intake on CVD events in China, via systolic blood pressure. They found that reducing population salt intake by 1g/day could lower the risk for ischaemic heart disease by about 4% and the risk for stroke by about 6%. They also found, should this reduced salt intake be sustained until 2030, 9 million CVD events could be prevented, of which 4 million would have been fatal. This study shows that progressively lowering China's excessive salt intake might result in significant reductions in CVD. The question now is how to reduce population salt intake. Share your thoughts and clinical experience here!

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  • The salt content of soya sauce, used excessively in Asian countries like China, contributes to the salt intake. I would hope that the salt consumption in Europe for example, is lower but I guess we eat more processed food than people in China which contains high amounts of salt as well.

    It might be useful to introduce the terms absolute and relative risk here:

    Absolute Risk vs. Relative Risk: What’s the Difference?
    This infographic explains the difference between absolute risk and relative risk, using the example of processed meat consumption and risk of bowel c…
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